05 January 2012

Do you know TED?

I’ve been in Karachi over the holidays, and I admit to enjoying the quiet. Many of my colleagues went to the United States during this time, and others used the decreased workload as an opportunity to take a regional vacation. I used the quiet time in the office to do those work things I view as a chore and won’t do, unless I have nothing else on which to focus my attention. So, today, I feel rather proud of myself for starting the new year with a clean slate—no nagging odd jobs to complete.

Not having many people around the compound meant extra quiet time on my “off” hours, too. I admit I have hermit tendencies, so being alone in my apartment with my books, TV and computer is really quite all right for me. Over the years, I’ve perfected the ability to entertain myself when there is nothing else to do.

One of the things I enjoy most is going to the TED website and catching up on all the amazing things that are happening in the world. Do you know TED? “Technology, Entertainment, Design: Ideas Worth Spreading,” is an amazing site of information. Check it out for yourself. I guarantee you will find something that catches your interest. These short 5- to 20-minute videos are perfect for my equally short attention span, and the information is often cutting-edge stuff.

My parents always told me that what you do on New Year’s Day, you do all year long. If there is truth to this, my 2012 will be excellent. I am rested and healthy. I’ve enjoyed Skype visits with my family, watched a good movie, visited with TED and spent the evening with friends. I hope your January 1st was equally as satisfying.

For Reflections on Nursing Leadership (RNL), published by the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International.

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